Herb Spiral

We have finally got round to building our herb spiral (the first part of our design for the space next to the vegetable beds) and planting out some herbs and marigolds into it. I think it looks really good and should provide a range of habitats for all our herbs.

First of all I laid out cardboard to suppress the grass beneath, we then used biomass from the garden – thin woody cuttings, last year’s dead montbretia leaves and lots of grass cuttings – to build up a mound. We then covered the pile with compost. Stones dug from the vegetable beds form walls to complete the spiral.

Herb spiral with vegetable beds in the background.
Herb spiral with vegetable beds in the background.

Herb Spiral from North Herb Spiral From South Herb Spiral from South EastAs you can see, we also planted out the first lot of herbs from inside. Along with the parade of marigolds, we also have so far planted out chives, parsley, chervil, dill and coriander.

In the next few months it will soon fill up with the thyme and oregano that are already growing inside, rosemary and some basil (in addition to the basil that will be growing beneath the tomatoes in the polytunnel). I will also plant successionally over the summer. The herb spiral should provide many of our herbs but there will be more herbs acting as companion plants for some of the vegetables.

6 thoughts on “Herb Spiral

  1. Oh, Oh, Oh – I love this so much! I had an idea to try something similar this morning – but quickly realized I didn’t have nearly enough rocks for the job. . . still stewing about it – might have to raid some rocks being used elsewhere. . . I bet this will look amazing once it’s growing strong. Beautiful job!


    1. Thanks! I really liked the way my herb spiral took off last year at my old allotment – now we have our own place I just had to make a bigger one. 🙂 I have seen some lovely herb spirals online made with rocks, bricks, logs, broken tiles, filled glass bottles – anything with a bit of thermal mass to store the heat a little works really well. It makes sense to use whatever you have to hand. We’ve also been talking about vertical herb gardens – so many ideas so little time!

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